Welcome to the Cambodian Village Fund

The Cambodian Village Fund started with a bicycle. Nancy wanted to buy a $40 bicycle for her hair stylist’s village back in Cambodia.  The villagers would share the bike to ride to the market, school, temple, and clinic.  More bikes and visits led to a deep bonding with the poor, hardworking village residents, many with little or no education.

Our grass roots 501(c)(3), established in 2006, improves the lives of northwestern Cambodia youth by building schools, giving scholarships -- especially to girls -- and offering free English classes.  We also help improve roads, provide safe drinking water and conduct eye clinics. And we launched a youth soccer program for both boys and girls – including building a brand-new soccer stadium.

Many other charities are at work investing in some of the world’s most impoverished communities. The Cambodian Village Fund isn’t the biggest or the oldest of them, but we are definitely among the most focused on maximizing every dollar donated to personally make a difference, one school at a time, even one student at a time. We communicate with the students every week. We know their struggles and successes.

And we are breaking the cycle of poverty: sixteen of our scholarship students have graduated from college, 24 currently attend college -- huge firsts for their families and community.

Five-hundred students attend our optional after-school English language classes. Thousands of primary and secondary school students go to class in our new, modern schools.  For the first time, hundreds of boys and girls have the opportunity to compete in soccer matches in the new Tim Sykes Soccer Stadium. Hundreds have had their eyes tested; and, if needed, now have glasses. And dozens of older villagers have had cataract surgery.

Strong Cambodian connections and a commitment to responsible financial management, accountability and transparency have made the Cambodian Village Fund successful.  99% of our donations go directly to projects in Cambodia.  Our experienced, well-qualified directors and volunteers handle administrative tasks, project management, website development, newsletters, and graphics, without any remuneration, other than the joy of improving lives.

One village official expressed his appreciation to us this way:

On behalf of the community of Kaun Khlong Village, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your generous work.  Cambodia has been through a long period of darkness in our recent past.  Now we are emerging into the light.”



Handmade Dresses That Spread Joy

San Diego sewing ladies are spreading JOY, LOVE and CARE with their handmade creations The story of the sewing ladies from the Paradise Village Sewing Club in San Diego is one of compassion, connection, and the power of small acts of kindness that make a big difference in the world. For the third time, these […]


A Visit To Scholarship Student’s Homes

On our last trip to Cambodia, one of our favorite days was visiting the homes of some of our new scholarship students.  It was a wonderful day – a profoundly enriching experience. – Silke Meeting the students in person, at the dormitory, for the first time had already been a delight. What we knew about […]

Teachers-District Leaders-Guest

Ground Breaking for our 10th school.

Through a generous donation from Syed Balkhi we are able to build the 10th CVF school in Prey Touch Commune – in the village called Prean Nil. This community has long been waiting for an investment in their school and children’s education. There are 163 students and 6 teachers at this school. By the end […]


Seven more students are starting College

This January seven new students joined the Cambodian Village Fund Scholarship Program. They all completed high school with excellent grades. They are ambitious and dedicated to pursue a higher education. They come from Prey Touch commune in Northwest Cambodia, most of them raised on the small income of rice farmers and vegetable growers. They could […]


We celebrate 7 new Graduates!

Seven of our scholarship students have just accomplished what, a few years ago, seemed like an unreachable dream to them. They graduated from college, making their families and themselves very proud. We are celebrating with them. We congratulate them for their perseverance and the commitment they made when they became recipients of a Cambodian Village Fund Scholarship. “I would like to thank the Cambodian Village Fund for supporting my […]


7 Students Join Our Scholarship Program

In February, seven new students joined the Cambodian Village Fund Scholarship Program. They all completed high school with excellent grades and dreams of pursuing a higher education. Their families are poor and cannot afford the cost of university. Because of their scholarships, these bright, ambitious young women moved to the city of Battambang, where most […]

Seyha with her class, 2022

Our Visit To Cambodia

“Let’s see the fruits of the seeds we plant!” Our supporters and their compassionate giving are building the foundations for a better world. We visit Cambodia as often as we can to see the transformations with our own eyes.  On this year’s trip, several American friends came along. Silke and Darren, who oversaw the building […]

Our modern Dormitory

Our New Dormitory

We have great news. The dorm is complete and far exceeds our wildest expectations. It is a modern, 3 story building in a centrally located district of Battambang and can house 24 college students. It has a rooftop terrace with views overlooking the city. It is a safe place to live, learn, connect and inspire.  […]

Do all the good you can … By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can … In all the places you can ... In all the times you can,
To all the people you can ...  As long as ever you can.

John Wesley